
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Port of Dover 2050 is the Port’s new long term plan to deliver against our vision to be the UK’s most seamless, sustainable, and tech enabled port. It provides a high level spatial framework establishing a series of key investments to facilitate the transformation of the different areas of the Port; its Eastern Docks, Western Docks, and Waterfront, over the coming years and decades.

The plan has been informed by engagement with members of the general public, local communities, our employees, port users, and key port stakeholders. It was approved by the Port of Dover Board in July 2024.

As a long term plan, it will take up to 25 years for all of the changes foreseen in the plan to be delivered. Changes on this scale require extensive planning, design, approvals, and may require securing new funding from a range of different sources. The planning process has already started, and will continue over the next year and beyond.

Early stage projects are focused on improving the speed of transit for ferry passengers through the Eastern Docks, and addressing some important issues with the condition of some of our key infrastructure assets.  

In the Western Docks, in the near term, we will look to maximise the benefits of the new land that being delivered through the final stages of the Dover Western Docks Revival project. This land will provide opportunities for the growth of the Port’s existing businesses, as well as for external organisations looking to (re)locate to the Port, supporting the creation of new job opportunities and local economic growth.

Working in partnership with others to deliver the ambition for the Waterfront, the Port aims to facilitate the delivery of a new commercial quarter in the area where the De Bradlei Wharf shopping centre used to be, with new offices to house both Port employees and others engaged in Port or maritime related activity. Alongside, the Port will work with others to explore opportunities to create new activity for play and recreation within the harbour and Waterfront area.

The Port of Dover has collected all comments and feedback and these are summarised in the relevant feedback sections for the various different areas of the Port on this site. 

The input from you has been really useful to developing our ideas and refining our plans, and we are committed to continue to engage with you as the individual projects come forward over the coming years and beyond. Thank you for taking the time to attend our events or submit comments online. 

There are a number of comments that we have received that are quite detailed and more relevant for future stages of the project. We will maintain a log of all comments and return to them as the project evolves over time. For any comments we received which relate to non Port of Dover 2050 matters, these have been shared with the relevant department internally.

We look forward to your ongoing engagement as your views and ideas are key to our future success!


The Port will be hosting a series of ‘drop in’ sessions within the Port’s Marina Office during October 2024. Please see the Home Page for relevant details. The Port will also be attending various local community events over the next year to provide an opportunity for local people to discuss our future plans. We will share details of these on social media. If you would like the Port to come and speak at an event you are hosting, or have a PoD 2050 stand present, please contact: 2050@portofdover.com with your request.

Please also sign up for updates on this site. We will be using this site to keep people updated of our plans, and so this is the best way to ensure you receive the latest news on how we are progressing.


All input received will be considered and used to guide the implementation of Port of Dover 2050.

Your data and responses will be held for two years after September 2026. After this time all data collected is pseudonymised, meaning all contributions are disassociated from respondent data.

Your data and responses will be held by Port of Dover, Commonplace and Arup. Links to these organisations privacy policies can be found on the 'meet the team' page.