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Port of Dover: Unlocking National Economic Growth and Renewal

At the Labour Party Conference today, the Port of Dover unveils its new framework for driving national economic growth by unlocking the Port’s full potential, with a message that it can only be achieved by working together.  

Port of Dover 2050: Empower Exchange will facilitate an increase of up to £173bn p.a. worth of trade handled by the Port, in 2024 prices, an increase of 20% based on current capacity. 

As Britain’s busiest port and a critical gateway for trade with the EU, the Port of Dover is at the heart of the nation’s economic future, as the UK government works to reset the nation’s relationship with its single largest trading partner.

The Labour Party came into power with a bold vision to rejuvenate Britain’s economy and drive a new decade of renewal. Amid the uncertainties of Brexit, the Port has faced challenges ensuring trade continues to flow. The Port’s role in this is more crucial than ever, Doug Bannister, the Chief Executive of the Port, explains: 

“If you want to kickstart economic growth and drive a decade of national renewal, then prioritising Dover is essential. In 2019, economic analysis revealed that the Port of Dover handles a third of the UK’s trade in goods with the EU. Despite Brexit and the challenges of the pandemic, Dover has continued to facilitate £144 billion in trade, ensuring essential supplies reach businesses across the nation.”

Mr Bannister emphasised Dover’s unique geographic advantage as the closest UK port to mainland Europe. “Our strategic location makes Dover a key asset in fostering a strengthened trading relationship with the EU.”

“The new Labour government’s focus on improving our trading relationship with the EU aligns with our goals,” he continued. “Firstly, we need a workable solution to the EU’s Entry-Exit System to maintain and enhance the efficiency of the movement of trade. Our ambition is to make trade even more seamless than it is today.”

The Port of Dover is committed to becoming the UK’s most seamless, sustainable, and tech-enabled port. The enabler of this ambitious vision is ‘Port of Dover 2050: Empower Exchange,’ a new framework capable of increasing Dover’ s trade capacity and delivering significant benefits to the local, regional, and national economy. Mr Bannister continues:

“We are dedicated to achieving Port of Dover 2050. This framework will not only enhance trade but also support local communities through new jobs and future skills, improve environmental sustainability, and drive innovation. However, we cannot achieve this vision alone. To realise this vision, we are calling for a supportive policy environment that enables major capital investment, technological advancements, and infrastructure upgrades.”

This includes:

  • Permanent Solutions: Addressing international traffic management through Kent and across the Channel

  • Investment in Innovation: Enhancing safety, security, and efficiency at our borders

  • Power Supply: Supporting decarbonisation of maritime transportation and road haulage

  • Infrastructure Development: Facilitating the transition to an automated, digital, net-zero port

  • Research and Development: Building a leading maritime sector and fostering future job opportunities.

Mr Bannister concluded, “By getting Dover right, we can serve at the forefront of increased trade, economic activity, and success with the EU, supporting businesses nationwide. Let’s develop long term strategic solutions and work together to deliver enduring investments that foster growth and prosperity. Together, we can unlock the full potential of Dover and ensure a thriving future for Britain as the Great British trading nation.”

The Port of Dover looks forward to collaborating with stakeholders and policymakers to make this vision a reality.

Posted on 22nd September 2024

by Port of Dover